Running NodeJS, NPM and Git on Windows 10 without Administrator privileges
- Download NodeJS zip (, likely the * version and unzip inside ~/AppData/Local/Programs/node1
- Download git for windows (
- Run installer.
- Uncheck all components except Use TrueType font
- select Use Git from Git Bash only
- You can leave default line ending conversion
- Use Windows’ default console window
- Check file system caching and Credential Manager
- Run git bash shell
vi .bash_profile
or use notepad.exe to create it in your user directoryPATH=$PATH:~/AppData/Local/Programs/node PATH=$PATH:/c/Windows/System32/
Restart git bash shell or run
source .bash_profile
Clone your github repo over HTTPS (no SSH keys required). Credential manager can store your password.
Cd into project and npm install2
Go forth and profit
Bonus: Visual Studio Code #
Visual Studio Code is my favorite editor and it’s free.
- Download the zip archive (
- Extract and run VSCode
- Go to File > Preferences > User Settings and add the following to the config file to get git integration
"git.path": "C:\\Users\\[User]\\AppData\\Local\\Programs\\Git\\bin\\git.exe"
1The home directory (~) on Windows 10 is likely located at C:\Users[username]\ usually
2Complex npm dependencies may require additional tools to be installed on your system